Have you ever purchased something online because you received a voucher in your email? When you see Tango in the drinks aisle, do you hear the words, “You know when you’ve been Tango’d”? Or how about the famous line, “Have a break, have a KitKat,” with Queen playing in the background?

Copywriting may sound vague—because it kind of is. Its scope is vast, from brand marketing to creating an ad so effective it’s remembered ten years later. Simply put, copywriting is persuasive language—the words you’ve heard in a TV ad, read on a billboard, or seen online that left a lasting impression or led you to make a purchase.

Advertising is all about visuals and words, and that’s where copywriting comes in. For a brand to be memorable, it needs to be associated with something unique. Like Tiffany & Co.’s signature blue or the metro’s “See it, say it, sorted.”

Now that you have a clearer idea of what copywriting is, here’s the big question: Do you need a copywriting service?